Retro Bowl + is the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved Retro Bowl, a mobile sports simulation game developed by New Star Games. This sequel takes players on a nostalgic journey back to the era of 8-bit and 16-bit sports gaming, blending the simplicity of classic games with modern features to create an engaging and immersive experience.
The game centers around American football, inviting players to step into the role of both team owner and head coach. With its pixelated graphics and intuitive controls, Retro Bowl + captures the charm of old-school football games while introducing new elements to enhance gameplay. Whether you’re a fan of retro gaming or a newcomer to the genre, Retro Bowl + offers a unique and enjoyable way to experience football.
In Retro Bowl +, your main objective is to build and lead a championship-winning football team from the ground up. Here’s how you can get started and excel in the game:
Retro Bowl + combines the nostalgic feel of classic football games with modern features to create a compelling and enjoyable sports simulation. Whether you're crafting your perfect team or managing the ins and outs of a franchise, the game offers a rich and satisfying experience for football enthusiasts of all kinds.